Whenever I try slicing a 8192x4096 sprite in the Sprite Editor, the editor freezes and doesn't recover.
I am on Windows 7, Unity 2019.2.13f1.
I have tried a multiple of sprite settings in the inspector prior to opening the sprite in the Sprite editor. I've tried:
- set sprite mode to multiple
- ignored alpha
- changed the max size to 8192, and lower settings also.
- set Wrap mode to Clamp
- set Filter Mode to Point.
I've tried a plain, freshly made texture in Photoshop in case anything was amiss with the original texture I tried.
I've filed a [bug report](http://fogbugz.unity3d.com/default.asp?1201297_u2qe8dlvcid263v3), but if anyone can confirm it they can or can't achieve the same, that would be useful.