![alt text][1]
![alt text][2]
I tried to slice my sprite sheet, but that keep making unwanted crashed sprite as image.
this is pixel sprite, and I have no idea why this crash happens only for this sheet.
This is first time for this problem, and any other sprite sheet doesn't like this.
No matter how many times I recreate this sheet, this keep makes problem.
sprite sheet is nice and clean. Problem happens after I slice them with sprite editor.
Also, until I open this on sprite editor, it shows no problem.
Only sliced sprite, only specific frame is broken and I treid to duplicate that frame, but duplicated frame also does.
What could be the problem? name? size?
Plz help.
[1]: /storage/temp/147087-캡처.png
[2]: /storage/temp/147088-캡처2.png